Helping you find the right insurance plan for your financial needs
Does life insurance even make sense in this stage of life? We believe there isn’t a more efficient way to transfer wealth and plan a legacy than with life insurance. It takes pennies on the dollar to add this tax-free, death benefit to surviving spouses and loved ones.

Life insurance
We believe life insurance is essential in each household. By ascertaining what is important to you, we can help match you with a leading life insurance company that fits the protection your family requires.
The main purpose of life insurance is to financially provide for your dependents upon your death. But life insurance can also provide many living benefits, such as tax-free income and long-term care, to name a couple. There are many types of insurance that provide flexibility and a variety of investment choices. Life insurance has a favorable and unique tax treatment that can be used to create a more effective financial plan.
We’ll work with you to find a life insurance policy that best meets your needs for both now and the future.

Long-Term Care
Approximately 70% of those Americans who live to the age of retirement will need long-term care services at some point in their lives
Long-term care insurance helps protect you from heavy financial burdens if you or your spouse is unable to perform standard acts of daily living (i.e. walking, using the bathroom unaided, bathing, etc.). The last thing you should have to worry about in a long-term health crisis is the financial cost. We provide comprehensive reviews of your current long-term care insurance and provide options for hybrid products that include both long-term care protection and wealth preservation.

Legacy Planning
Although taxes get most of the attention in the estate planning stage, there are many more elements to it. We work hard throughout our lives to accumulate assets. There are only three things we will do with these assets: lose them, spend them, or give them away.
Having an estate plan can help ensure that our assets will pass on to our loved ones and charities as efficiently as possible, as we want them to. It’s important to recognize that the estate plan contains the elements that will serve as our voice if we become incapacitated and when we’re no longer here.

Health Insurance
An extended or serious illness can hinder your ability to earn a living and may result in costly medical expenses. This has the potential to wipe out your retirement savings. Sufficient health insurance coverage can help you pay for the cost of medical bills and related expenses.

Medicare is the health insurance program provided by the federal government. You become eligible for Medicare at the beginning of the month you turn 65 or earlier if permanently disabled.
While the Medicare system seems to be an ever-changing program, at Fresno Financial Advisors, we can provide you with the answers to your Medicare questions and concerns. Each year, there are a couple of open enrollment periods, at which point we will provide our clients the most up-to-date products and supplements for their benefit.